Total Vision Culver City

Remote Tele-Optometry Exams
in Los Angeles

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Eye Exams Made Smarter

At Total Vision Pacific EyeCare, we’re committed to making exceptional eye care more convenient and accessible. That’s why we offer tele-optometry—an innovative service that uses technology to provide quality eye exams with unmatched flexibility.

Our tele-optometry service is powered by DigitalOptometrics and supported by our dedicated care team. It allows you to connect with an optometrist in real time while being helped by our on-site technician. It’s the perfect blend of convenience and care, designed to fit your busy lifestyle.

Book online or contact us to learn more about our tele-optometry services and get eye care built around your convenience.

Understanding Tele-Optometry

Tele-optometry combines the convenience of virtual care with the thoroughness of traditional in-office eye exams. Using digital tools, we can perform a complete eye examination remotely while maintaining the same high standards you expect.

You’ll interact with a licensed optometrist via high-definition videoconferencing, supported by a technician in our clinic. Every step, from pre-testing to prescription updates, is handled with precision and care.

How Tele-Optometry Works

Tele-optometry provides flexible scheduling and shorter wait times, perfect for busy lifestyles. This innovative service is also great for remote areas or clinics with limited specialized care.

These virtual exams can be completed in less than 30 minutes and cost the same as an in-person visit. 

We provide streamlined care, step by step.

Check-In & Pre-Test

When you arrive, a technician will guide you through a series of pre-tests using innovative diagnostic equipment. The data is securely sent to your optometrist for review.

Your optometrist will perform a detailed eye exam using high-definition video, checking for vision changes, eye health concerns, and more. They’ll also use a digital phoropter to fine-tune your prescription for accuracy.

Your optometrist will review your test results, refine your prescription, assess your eye health, and answer your questions.

After the exam, your prescription for glasses or contact lenses will be finalized, and you will be ready to choose your perfect pair of eyewear.

With tele-optometry, walk-in patients can receive a comprehensive exam and prescription in under 30 minutes.

Personalized Eye Care with a Modern Touch

Our tele-optometry services are designed to enhance your experience while preserving your trusted relationship with your optometrist. With a technician by your side throughout the process, you’ll feel supported every step of the way.

Tele-optometry is ideal for:

  • Routine vision exams
  • Prescription updates for glasses or contact lenses
  • General eye health assessments

For more complex needs, we’ll connect you with in-person care tailored to your requirements.

Book your appointment online and learn how we’re making eye care more convenient for you and your family!

Visit Us Today

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Our Location

Come and visit us in Los Angeles. You’ll find our practice on W. Washington Boulevard, between Laurent’s “Le” Coffee Shop and Choco Vivo Cafe, on the same block as the Brasil Brasil Cultural Center. We have metered parking right out front and rooftop parking you can access via Colonial Avenue!

  • 12461 W. Washington Boulevard
  • Los Angeles, CA 90066

Our Hours

  • Monday: 9:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 4:30 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:30 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Please note our Saturday hours occur twice per month.

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